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Side Effects of Nicotine Withdrawal

If you quit nicotine, you may experience these withdrawal symptoms:

  • Cravings,

  • Irritability,

  • Insomnia,

  • Fatigue,

  • Headache,

  • Cough,

  • Sore throat and/or gums,

  • Scatterbrained,

  • Constipation/gas/stomach pains,

  • Dry mouth,

  • Tightness in the chest,

  • Postnasal drip.

Consuming smokeless nicotine, like nicotine gum, presents similar side effects as cigarettes, cigars, vapes and so on.

However, the long-term side effects of smoking versus smokeless nicotine use vary.

Keep in mind that nicotine does not cause cancer by itself. Although, the effects of nicotine, smoking or smokeless, may cause harmful long-term effects for individuals.

Side Effects of Nicotine

Nicotine is a stimulant found in tobacco plants that, alone, does not cause cancer.

High doses of nicotine can give adults similar side effects to caffeine, among a few others.

Adults over the age of 18 are permitted to use nicotine in most countries. However, the surgeon general insists that adolescent adults disengage from nicotine use until their brains fully develop (age 25).

If you're trying to stop smoking cigarettes or use other tobacco products, nicotine can help alleviate your cravings.

If you have or think you have a nicotine addiction, you should contact your doctor for recommendations on how to quit.

Nicotine Side Effects

There have been studies showing physical and psychological effects of nicotine such as decreased tension and increased thinking.

The stimulative effects of nicotine may also act as a therapeutic approach and/or slow the cognitive decline of some illnesses. These include Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ADHD and schizophrenia.

Nicotine causes reactions in the body and mind in various ways including:

  • Decreased appetite,

  • Increased alertness & memory,

  • Heightened mood,

  • Increased bowel activity,

  • Increased heart rate & blood pressure,

  • Increased saliva & phlegm production,

  • Sweating,

  • Nausea,

  • Diarrhea,

  • Hiccups.

While every individual is different, these nicotine side effects are the most common in adults.

Nicotine continues to be medically reviewed by food and drug administration for other side effects.

Can You Overdose on Nicotine?

Overdosing on nicotine is possible, however it is not common. Overdosing is more common in children than adults.

If overdosing occurs, call the poison control center to alleviate the symptoms accordingly.

For further information on the side effects of nicotine, contact us on our website.

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